Tuesday 10 January 2017

Barack Obama Singing Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson (ft. Bruno Mars)


Published on Jan 27, 2015 by baracksdubs

Wikipdia: Baracksdubs
Baracksdubs is a popular YouTube channel and series that uses Barack Obama speeches to create cover songs, generally of popular songs. The channel was created by Fadi Saleh as a then-freshman student of the University of Tennessee. The channel was a Maker Studios partner from 2012 to 2015, when Saleh formed his own company, Spare Time Entertainment.

Media coverage
The videos have been featured on Huffington Post, Gawker, Rolling Stone, NBC, Yahoo!, Mashable, and several other online news publications.

YouTube channel: baracksdubs
I put words in people's mouths. Baracksdubs mashes together people's words to the tune of popular music, based on fan requests. Have a suggestion for a dub? Tweet the suggestion with the hashtag #baracksdubs.

Twitter: @baracksdubs

Facebook: baracksdubs


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