Friday 26 November 2010

Food: The Cook in Heels

The unusual name for this web site, TheCookInHeels.Com which is dedicated to cooking comes from the author's creative interpretation of the sensuality of cooking and eating. The motto of the site is "add sizzle to your life" and as I look through the various videos about food preparation, I can say that no finer words have been spoken.

Each recipe is written out with a list of ingredients followed by instructions on how to prepare everything. But the "hook" for each recipe is a companion video. The author remains out of sight during the videos; you only ever see her hands and her high heels. She never speaks; short text instructions appear periodically and you watch the steps of preparing various dishes. These videos are of a very high quality; they are professionally made. Considering that this is all available for free, I do wonder how this person is paying for all this.

I watched the short clip about stuffing a turkey and preparing a cranberry sauce and holy smokes, even though nothing "dirty" occurred, I still felt I should be holding my hand over the eyes of anybody under the age of 18. Sexy? Gosh, did I see a wisp of smoke rising from my computer monitor?

I ran across one provocatively titled video called S&M which starts with our lady zipping up some high heel boots which seem made for a dominatrix but it turns out that the S&M of the clip stands for spaghetti and meatballs. The author introduces her recipe with "Want to experiment with a little S & M? With this dish you are definitely in command and not likely to get any refusals." I'm looking at that plate of pasta and the Sergio Rossi zippered stilettos and all I can say is that I will obey. :-)

In the About page, the author describes herself being neither a professional chef nor sexual behaviour expert. She just likes to cook but with a sensual eye for food. I chuckled when I read that this character of the web site, this sensual cook in heels is the alter ego of a filmmaker, an unknown filmmaker. She - and here I'm guessing it's a she but who knows? Anything is possible - finds a certain liberty in her anonymity to allow her imagination to wander into "the quirky recesses of my mind". Ah, hence the sensual presentation of the recipes and the high heels; sex and food, what a combo!

The About continues with a little of her philosophy on food and sex and how the two are intertwined. One leads to another; food begets sex. And the shoes? "When you feel sexy, you act sexy. And that spices up any dish."

Some great recipes, some beautifully shot video clips, some appetizing dishes and some inspiring high heels. This all looks like some added fun in the kitchen. Food never looked so good... ah, sexy. Yes, my mouth is watering. :-)


The Cook in Heels


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