The Average Life Expectancy Of A Porn Star by. Rev. Daniel R. Jennings, M.A.
The pornographic industry has become a colossal, worldwide business empire. In 2006 revenue from pornography equaled some $97 Billion dollars. In times past pornographic actors were shady characters who kept their real identities secretly under guard. Now, with the growing acceptance of pornography into the mainstream, they are going on the talk show circuits, appearing on network news, publishing best seller biographies and working their way into the idol status that once only traditional actors and sports players held. With their growing acceptance into the mainstream has also come an unprecedented look into the real, day to day lives of the average porn star. While porn stars are quick to defend themselves as average and normal people who have only chosen an “unusual” profession an analysis of their lives shows that porn stars live and die in a completely abnormal way.
When the deaths of 129 porn stars over a period of roughly 20 years were analyzed it was discovered that porn stars experienced an unusually large number of premature deaths from such causes as drugs, suicide, murder, alcohol abuse, accidental death, and disease. When the death ages of these porn stars were averaged it was discovered that the average life expectancy of a porn star is only 37.43 years whereas the average life expectancy of an American is 78.1 years.
I go into Wikipedia. I find a list of "notable pornographic actresses" that totals 959 names and a list of pornographic actors that has another 249 names. Okay, that gives me a grand total of 1,178 porn stars for the purposes of my little study so bear with me as I continue while making a few assumptions.
total number of people = 1,178
total number who are dead = 129
total number who are alive = 1,048
Let's say that the people who are alive have a normal life span of 78 years and let's put them together with 129 who had an average life span of 37 years.
(129 * 37.43) + (1048 * 78.1) = 81,848.8
Divide by the total number of people
81,848.8 / 1,178 = 73.61 years
Rev Jennings has chosen a specific subset of all porn stars and calculated their average life span at 37.43 years. If it isn't obvious, he is trying to connect the occupation of these people with their demise as if it was caused by the righteous hand of God. As he writes at the end of his article:
Do not be deceived; God is not mocked: for whatever a man sows, that he shall also reap. Gal 6:7
The Bible tells us that in one day God struck 23,000 fornicators dead and He is doing the same thing to immoral people today:
Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them committed, and in one day twenty three thousand fell. 1Co 10:8
Becoming involved with pornography (either through acting or just viewing it) will bring God’s judgment upon you. Learn from the mistake of these men and women and do not allow their fate to become yours.
Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore do not be partakers with them. Eph 5:6-7
Oddly enough, when I go down the list and look at the cause of death of some of these people, I see AIDS, cancer and heart attack. I also see the tragedy of suicide. But I also see the more unusual in murder, drove off the road and fell into 150 foot ravine, hit by a car while standing on the side of the road. I wonder how Rev. Jennings would feel about the following:
According to UNAIDS.Org, there are 33 million on the planet currently living with HIV (2009). The same report estimates that in 2009, 1.8 million died from AIDS.
In the United States, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 18,000 people die each year from AIDS.
UNAIDS reports that world-wide, there were 2,200,000 adults newly infected with the disease in 2009.
According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), there were 34,598 suicides in the United States in 2007. In 2007, the CDC states there were 18,361 homicides.
As a comparison, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration published that in 2009 33,808 people died in traffic accidents. The CDC also reports that every year 82 people die from being struck by lightning.
Stat: Worldwide pornography revenue in 2006 was $97.06 billion. Of that, approximately $13 billion was in the United States.
Truth: From Forbes.Com back in 2001:
The idea that pornography is a $10 billion business is often credited to a study by Forrester Research. This figure gets repeated over and over. The only problem is that there is no such study. In 1998, Forrester did publish a report on the online "adult content" industry, which it pegged at $750 million to $1 billion in annual revenue. The $10 billion aggregate figure was unsourced and mentioned in passing.
According to Adult Video News (AVN), an industry trade magazine, Americans spent just over $4 billion to buy and rent adult videos last year. This figure is baseless and wildly inflated. From there, the numbers get even more obscure.
the sum total is about $2.9 billion.
The industry is tiny next to broadcast television ($32.3 billion in 1999 revenue, according to Veronis Suhler), cable television ($45.5 billion), the newspaper business ($27.5 billion), Hollywood ($31 billion), even to professional and educational publishing ($14.8 billion).
When one really examines the numbers, the porn industry--while a subject of fascination--is every bit as marginal as it seems at first glance.
XBIZ - July 25/2012
Poll: Porn Revenues Exceed $5 Billion According to Industry Survey By Dan Miller
The majority of industry insiders place annual gross revenues in the $5 billion-plus range worldwide.
Boy, judging from the above numbers, there are a lot of people on the planet who must be sinning just as badly as the 129 "porn stars" the reverend selected including those out playing a round of golf.
Final Word
What final word could I or anybody have about this? Rev. Jennings is an evangelical fundamentalist, a Wesleyan who believes we're all in deep, deep trouble. He is cherry picking his "facts" to suit his conclusion. While Rev. Jennings is suggesting that the above people are all going to hell, I am surprised at how someone who portrays himself as being well versed in the word of God seems to have forgotten St. John, chapter 8, verse 7:
Let he who is without sin among you, cast the first stone at her.
The Lord will forgive even if Rev. Jennings will not.
Daniel R. Jennings Ministries
Wikipedia: The Supernatural Occurrences of John Wesley
The Supernatural Occurrences of John Wesley is a non-fiction book written by American author Daniel R. Jennings and published in 2005 by Sean Multimedia. Relying heavily upon actual quotations from the writings of John Wesley, founder of the Methodist Church, Jennings presents various types of supernatural phenomena as they were recorded by Wesley. These phenomena included visions, dreams, miraculous healings, instances of persons passing out during Wesley’s sermons, supernatural answers to prayer, the unusual fates of some of Wesley’s critics, and cases of demon possession.
The Ugly Side Of The U.S. Air Force Chaplaincy by Rev. Jennings
Mormonism is a cult and that those who are involved in it are lost and on their way to a burning hell.
Similarities Between UFO Encounters And Demonic Encounters by Rev. Jennings
“Alien abduction” experiences have been occurring for centuries; the only difference is that those who experienced them in the past usually recognized them as being something evil from a demonic force. It is only in modern times that large numbers of people in Christian countries have began to refer to the atypical “alien abduction” as something that is not demonic.
I have listed the above twelve similarities between demonic encounters and alien encounters but there is actually one more similarity between the two that needs to be discussed. Throughout history Christians have demonstrated that demons will submit to the name of Jesus but what about “aliens”? Will they also submit to the name of Jesus?” The answer, proven by actual experiences, is YES!
my blog: Pornography: an investigation
10 articles; 1 set of conclusions; 58 pages; 22,000 words; 4 weeks of research.
my blog: Roxy aka Shelley Lubben vs. the (porn) world
My conclusion about Shelley Lubben's statistics: 75% of the readers believe them while 50% don't. Lies, damn lies and statistics.
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"Boy, judging from the above numbers, there are a lot of people on the planet who must be sinning just as badly as the 129 "porn stars"...
Wow! An amazing leap in logic!
Very nice post, I found this post on a comment to a post in my blog about Shelley Lubben's dirty tactics.
I didn't know this Rev. Jennings, so thanks for pointing that out to me. Looks like they're all the same type of dirty people, really biased and dishonest, just trying to shove their beliefs down our throats.
For people who don't know, here's my investigation about dead porn stars, in a attempt to debunk Shelley Lubben in a similar fashion like you're doing here with Rev. Jennings:
Thank you once again! ;)
I don't believe he has cast a stone. Jesus stopped people from KILLING the prostitute not from judging her actions. Similar misconception around "judge not, lest you be judged." It is not about reserving judgements of actions but only on judging people. If Jesus asked the woman to "go and sin no more" after this incident and taught people to teach others to do what is good and avoid what is evil, this wouldn't be possible without helping others see where they are wrong. Porn stars are often acting from a position of extreme brokeness from childhood trauma as has been cited by numerous studies you can google. We should want to liberate them from this, not prop up an industry that seeks to use them for our private pleasure. If he did say they are going to hell, I will agree with you, since that is not for us to judge, but otherwise, I don't see why you would take issue with someone pointing out the horrendous outcomes of the sex industry.
The facts & figures investigeted is really frightening. Whether one should feel pity or sympathise on their choosen carrior.It is just to console one self, if one is put in this,scene,..yes ,Ihave done a srvice to the society, by fulfilling, their dsires. Society needs this service,what so ever,one may call,alike prostitution, but I am sorry to say,the vaccume of sex in society is required to be fulfilled.
I heard Jennings on the radio and was checking his statistics myself. I also found that fundamental flaw. To give a parallel, I graduated high school in the early nineties. I have lost high school classmates to accidents, suicides, violence, diseases, etc. If I were to take all of the dead classmates and average the ages at which they died I would imagine that age to be right around 30. Does this mean that graduates of my high school in the early nineties will die around 30? Should I be concerned as I crest 40? Of course not. That figure, like the one Jennings presents, fails to take into account all of the still living. Which is MOST of us. Similarly, Jennings has used the ages of dead porn stars, ignoring the ones still alive, simply to prove a point. Whether you oppose porn or not, kindly do not abuse math and statistics Rev. Jennings.
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