Saturday 29 September 2012

Danosongs: Mars and Stars


Published on Feb 28, 2013 by angelisland

I ran into this piece of music completely by chance. It was used as background to a video demonstrating a commercial product. I enjoyed its meditative quality and actually watched the video advertisement several times just to listen to the song. After contacting the author of the ad, I discovered Danosongs and his royalty free music.

Danosongs.Com Royalty Free Music & Songs
Hi, I'm Dan-O and I post my original music as free MP3 downloads here on You can listen to the songs online or download the tracks. It's also legal to use the music royalty free in your video, game, film, presentation, slideshow or website.

YouTube channel: DanoRoyaltyFreeMusic
Hi, I'm Dan-O and I post my original music as free MP3 downloads on this site. You can listen to the songs online or download the tracks. It's also legal to use my music royalty free in your video, game, film, presentation, slideshow or website.

YouTube: Danosongs: Mars and Stars

Twitter: Dan-O, @danosongs
Composer, music producer. Audio for video production, independent filmmaking, games, podcasts and on hold. Free to use under creative commons license. New York, NY

YouTube: danosong's channel

Wikipedia: Meditation music
Meditation music is music performed to aid in the practice of meditation. It can have a specific religious content, but also more recently has been associated with modern composers who utilize meditation techniques in their process of composition, or who compose such music with no particular religious group as a focus. The concept also includes music performed as an act of meditation.


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