Friday 7 February 2014

Nocturnal Emissions: funny stuff

Ah, the things I run into while surfin' 'round the Net and with a name like that, who's not going to stop for a look? This Toronto (I'm guessing) comedy troop was started in 2008 by Keith Cooper and Derek Sunderland and now includes April Morgan, Dave Thomson, Saffron Cassaday and Steve Richardson. Buried in the numerous mentions of them, is that they have apparently produced over a hundred online sketch comedy videos. Wow, I had never heard of them but I'm trying to make up for lost time. I picked out the following two discoveries as representative of their short straight for the funny bone videos. Enjoy.

Published on Jan 21, 2014 by Nocturnal Emissions
Who's on top? Sex fight.
A couple fights about who's on top

Published on Jan 27, 2014 by Nocturnal Emissions
Sex Talk
A couple tries to explain what they were doing when their daughter walked in on them.

official web site: Nocturnal Emissions

YouTube channel: Nocturnal Emissions

Facebook: Nocturnal Emissions

Twitter: Nocturnal Emissions @NocturnalComedy

Funny Or Die: Nocturnal Emissions COmedy


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